Police Community Relations Committee (PCRC) Cross River State Seeks Partnership With Media Outlets

The Police Community Relations Committee (PCRC), Cross River State chapter has sought the collaboration and partnership of media outlets in the fight against the security challenges facing the State.

Speaking during a courtesy visit to FAD FM by the state’s newly elected executive members, the Chairman of the committee, His Highness, Chief Spokesman Agogo, while appreciating FAD FM for the audience granted them on short notice, explained that the visit was part of the strategies laid by the current administration to keep the public informed about any threat or challenge around the state, adding that the team chose to partner with the station following the good works it has been doing in the state and the sincerity in her reportage.

The chairman, who frowned at the recent unrest in the state, assured that the team is working tirelessly to combat the criminal activities and make the state safer for Crossriverians.

In her response, The GM, of FAD FM Calabar, Ms Tina Akweke applauded the efforts of the team and its commitment towards ensuring peace and stability in the state, assuring that the station will do her best to work with the team.

Meanwhile, PCRC is a community policing-based organisation established by the Leadership of the Nigeria Police Force in 1984 to foster a partnership between the Police and the community to enhance the efficient and effective policing of communities in Nigeria.

Oluchi Omai

Oluchi Omai is a Blogger/ Content Creator, he is a prolific writer and movie maker.

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