C/River Judiciary: I have never been so embarrassed in my 42 years at the bar – Senator Senator Ndoma Egba

As the Judiciary in Cross River State Pay the last respect to one of her own, Late Elder Barrister Oriri Ekom Oriri, the former Leader of the 7th Senate, Senator Victor Ndoma Egba was amongst Legal luminaries who attended the well valedictory session that was presided over by Justice Ayade Emmanuel Ayade at the High Court Complex, Calabar.

According to Senator Victor Ndoma-Egba in his statement made available to our correspondent, He stated that today the judiciary of Cross River State is passing through a most needless and indeed useless crisis of succession. I say needless and useless because if we had simply done what is right we will not be in this quagmire, Justice, fairness and correctness are without colour. They are unisex and are without tribe or ethnic coloration. Therefore to ethnieize justice in anyway, especially by us lawyers is to betray and belittle our calling.”

The distinguished Senator took a swipe on the Cross River State Government over current quagmire in the appointment of a substantive Chief Judge for the state.

Recall, that for about 10 months the state has remained without a substantive Chief Judge since the retirement of Justice Michael Edem while the state government and the State House of Assembly rather preferred the appointment of a junior judge, Justice Maurice Eneji to emerge over his senior Justice Akon Ikpeme on grounds that Ikpeme is a security risk to the state as a result of ethnicity.

This position has pitched the state government against the National Judicial Council (NJC) which is insisting on the right thing to be done by maintaining the order of seniority which is sacrosanct in the Judiciary.

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Finally, he added that We must find the purpose of our lives “All good men and women must take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to a level we could only imagine” Jim Rohn
As we bid our brother and colleague farewell. We should ponder our own lives and indeed death, and do good and the right thing always.


Oluchi Omai

Oluchi Omai is a Blogger/ Content Creator, he is a prolific writer and movie maker.

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