Buhari regime to recruit 10,000 Nigerians into Nigeria Police Force

The Minister of Police Affairs, Muhammad Dingyadi has said that President Mohammaddu Buhari’s regime will recruit 10,000 Nigerians into the Nigerian Police Force.

“For purposes of clarity, the recruitment of 40,000 police constables, approved by the federal government, is being carried out in tranches of 10,000 per batch,” Dingyadi said, adding that the first batch was “concluded successfully” in 2019. He also said that arrangements had reached an advanced stage to conclude the second batch of the process.

Mr Dingyadi further revealed that the process was being carried out by relevant agencies responsible for the recruitment.

However, the Minister has also urged Nigerians to treat as fake news trending reports on social media that Mr Buhari’s regime would recruit 400,000 police officers.

The spokesman to the minister, Osaigbovo Ehisienmen mentioned this in a statement on Thursday in Abuja.

Mr Dingyadi explained that the report was an act of mischief, targeted at misrepresenting the 40,000 recruitment of police constables approved by Mr Buhari’s regime.

According to him, the report claimed that the police affairs ministry was working independently of the Police Service Commission and the police force to carry out the recruitment exercise.

The minister insisted that the purpose of the report was to create platforms to defraud unsuspecting job seekers.

“For the avoidance of doubt, the purported 13-man ministerial project coordination committee set up by the ministry to conduct the recruitment process is a figment of the author’s imagination,” explained the police affairs minister. “Such committee does not exist in the ministry.”

Mr Dingyadi urged the public to be cautious of false recruitment into the police force.

Oluchi Omai

Oluchi Omai is a Blogger/ Content Creator, he is a prolific writer and movie maker.

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