Primary Health Care Development Agency Boss Meet With PHC LG Directors

Demands More Commitment And Good Attitude To Work

The Director General of the cross river state primary health care development agency Deaconess Mrs Abasioffiong Offiong in a bid to familiarize herself with the various PHC heads/directors of local government area has called on the directors to show more commitment, good character and a positive attitude to work stating that they are the ones in the forefront that will lead and their staff will follow.

In her words during an enlarge meeting with the various PHC directors, “As heads of local government it is mandatory that you put up a positive attitude to work, show more positive examples by living up to expectations and leading from the front. Every health worker in your respective local government depends on you and looks up to you in regards to the job.

It is therefore very consequential that you lead them by example, we must come together and form a positive synergy to enable us achieve more positive results. We owe cross riverians good health care services and this we can only achieve when we work in unity and when we put in a positive attitude to work. I’ll always be in the field with you and we’ll tackle every challenge that comes up together as a team.”

She charged the various directors to immediately reprimand any health worker that is found wanting in the course of their duty. The agency Boss added that the only way the agency can achieve more success is when they work as a team.

On their part, the directors through their team lead assured the DG that all hands will be on deck to ensure that they work together in synergy to ensure that cross riverians gets the best of health care services.


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