The have been reports of alleging that Nigerian Citizens, are being maltreated in China. This led lawmarkers,  recently to discuss a motion tittled : Maltreatment and Institution Acts of Racial Discrimination against Nigerians in China. According to videos and messages on social media the alleged  maltreatment is meanted on Nigerians and other Africans in Guangzhou, China, they were maltreated and dehumanised by the Chinese authorities over reports that a Nigerian who tested positive to Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the district had attempted an escape from a treatment facility.
The story opines that the abuse started when a Nigerian alleging tried to escape from a quarantine facility.This fuel local speculations that  Africans, imported COVID-19 into the Province.
The Chinese commenced the compulsory testing of blacks, especially Nigerians, chasing them from their homes and forcing them into quarantine. Several videos of this treatment went viral, showing Nigerians and other Africans being rubbed of their dignity and subjected to very disturbing situations. These treatments produce a high level of protest by Africans, Diplomats, and global citizens.
The Nigerian government were being called to interfere in this shabby show of brotherhood. And apply all diplomatic relations available to tame this tide of bigotry. This proved effective as officials of the Nigerian Consul in Guangzhou demanded and retrieved passports and other valuables confiscated from this innocent Nigerians. Whose only crime is ‘living in another man’s land’.

Nigerian,  Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Geoffrey Onyema sprung into action by meeting Mr. Zhou Pingjian, the Chinese ambassador to Nigeria. where he discussed the Issues being raised.
The Chinese have tried to clear their name, by asserting the allegations would be investigated, and at first the Nigeria. foreign Minister tried to hold brief for the Chinese. But, when he was properly briefed with more concrete facts he changed his narrative.
Nonetheless, there can be no doubt about the gravity of the latest acts of anti-African hostility such that they have sufficiently provoked African diplomats to protest in writing to their host government. The strongly- worded letter urged the government to properly and promptly resolve the issue promptly or the envoys would have to “communicate to our home country the racial bias and discrimination against Africans in China”, “bring the issue to the attention of the international community …” and even  “retaliate the same ill-treatment meted out to our nationals to … Chinese nationals in our various countries ; close all our African consulates in Guangzhou until further notice and engage in general street protest by the  African Consulates –General and nationals”. Former African Union ambassador to the United States, Arikana Chihombori Quao, also fired to President Xi Jinping of China an open letter on behalf of the Africa Diaspora Development Institute (ADDI) in which she detailed many incidences of mistreatment of Africans by Chinese officials and ordinary citizens. The letter noted that, “the abuse of Africans in China is tantamount to racism, discrimination, and a serious violation of human rights”, and demanded “immediate reciprocity” of the respect and cordiality with which Chinese are treated in Africa.
The China-African relations dates back to the founding of the modern Chinese state. When China was struggling to find her foot in the comity of developed Nations, Africa was always a trusted and great pathner in her vision to self sufficiency. China has over the years provided numerous resources to help in the development of the Africa, especially, in the aspect of infrastructural development. In the play of international politics, Nigeria, alas Africa, has been a friend, in supporting Chinese Interest. The friendship had been more robust and even rewarding in the area of economic development, as Africa is the largest market, to many Chinese goods.
However, this cooperations and shared interest does not give China the privilege to maltreat or abuse Africans, in any way. Africans should not be seen as sub humans. They should be treated with respect, dignity and love.
China should not forget, that a lot of other countries have reservations about her character, and intentions, and issues like this would further damage her reputation.
Africans Leader, should not play the puppet, they should show courage in drawing a line, when any country breaches the international code of brotherliness. 
Moreso, Africans who are into crime in China and other countries should be made to face the full wrath of the law, only after appropriate investigation and conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction.
The relationship between Africans and the Chinese, are mutually beneficial so no one should try to make the other feel inferior.
– Ubong Usoro


Oluchi Omai

Oluchi Omai is a Blogger/ Content Creator, he is a prolific writer and movie maker.

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