Looking good is expensive and not easy to maintain – Iyabo Ojo

Iyabo Ojo a veteran actor cum entrepreneur has revealed that it wasn’t easy succeeding as a single parent. But, determination and focus took her to where she is today.

This she said during an interview on the popular radio show “Serenade with the Boss Lady” on Fad93.1 FM Calabar, a show hosted by Mrs Temitope Duker also known as the Boss Lady.

How did all of this start for you considering that at the time you started you were still a young struggling mother?

“At the very beginning it was not easy, trying to learn more about the craft and find my place in the industry. I am a very organized person and always had all I needed to do outlined and I followed them. The veteran actor also mention that she beliefs that if you treat your workers, friend and even family members well, they will always support you, your business and even your kids”

The actor cum entrepreneur also mentioned that she has always been doing business, stating that she started her first super market which was located at Onikpan when she was 21 years of age.

How were you able to wave off the challenges of sexual harassment, abuses and advances from men in the industry which some upcoming actor consider a barrier?

In response to the question, Iyabo Ojo revealed that she has never at any point been a desperate person, and never in a rush. “Although, those production managers existed who always wanted to sleep with ladies in exchange for rolls when I joined the industry. In fact, they exist in all industries but the choice to yield to them is entirely yours” she added.

Meanwhile, she said this is the right time for any lady to join the movie industry because they are more ladies directing and producing their own movies now than men.

On the other hand, the veteran actor observed that most ladies who get into the movie industry do so simply because they have someone they have been crushing on and wish to meet. This makes them throw themselves at men.

Is there anything like the old and new Nollywood? Mrs Duker asked.

“There is nothing like old or new Nollywood, Nollywood is Nollywood” Iyabo Ojo responded, adding that there is no association called old or new Nollywood, an actor is an actor no matter how old you are in acting.

Is acting sustainable? Can it sustain an actor?

“Acting is not sustainable” Iyabo Ojo responded adding that she is a breadwinner and so cannot depend on acting alone. It could be sustainable for those who have little or no dependents but for Iyabo, acting is not sustainable.

More so, the actor cum entrepreneur have also revealed that she does multiple jobs because she has multiple responsibilities.  She further emphasized that the industry is demanding, “We wear makeups, nice clothes and what have you, they come with the job. And this things are not cheap” she added.

According to Iyabo Ojo, the more popular you become in the industry, the more demanding it becomes. “Looking good is expensive and not easy to maintain.” she said.


Oluchi Omai

Oluchi Omai is a Blogger/ Content Creator, he is a prolific writer and movie maker.

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