Impeachment fallout: New play about Nancy Pelosi to debut in Chicago

A new commercial play about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is readying a world premiere in Chicago, just as its subject is at the centre of the news and playing a central role in the impeachment of President Donald J Trump. Titled “The Adult in the Room,” the timely show will star the Broadway actress Orlagh Cassidy as the CaliforniaDemocrat.
Opening night is scheduled for January 26 at the rented Richard Christiansen Theatre. Directed by Heather Arnson and Conor Bagley, the project is produced by the Broadway and TV producers Jim Kierstead, Linda Karn and William Frenandez. Based on the show’s advanced materials, a sympathetic portrait appears to be in the offing. Whether Pelosi has given her blessing to the project, which will explore her early life, rise to power and what the producers call “the convulsive political climate that currently permeates the U.S.,” was not immediately clear. Kierstead said Pelosi had received the script, but, presumably, has been busy with other things.

Source: Vanguard


Oluchi Omai

Oluchi Omai is a Blogger/ Content Creator, he is a prolific writer and movie maker.

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