August 1, 2024

Honoring the Elegant Stallion: Onyeka Onwenu’s Impact on the Entertainment Industry – By Fidelis Duker

Onyeka Onwenu, known as the Elegant Stallion, was a true icon in the Nigerian entertainment industry. I had the privilege of meeting her back in 1993 during my time as a floor manager for the NTA-produced show “WHO’S ON.” Onyeka’s presence exuded majesty and grace, leaving a lasting impression on all those around her.

I vividly remember the excitement that filled the studio whenever Onyeka arrived for the live show. As the host, she brought an unparalleled level of professionalism and attention to detail, setting high standards for the entire crew. Her dedication to her craft was evident in every aspect of the production, reflecting her background as a trained television producer and reporter.

During the show’s run, Onyeka’s influence extended beyond her on-screen presence. She fostered an atmosphere of discipline and sophistication, earning the respect of all those who worked with her. Despite her demanding nature, it was clear that Onyeka’s commitment to excellence stemmed from a deep respect for her craft and herself.

One particular memory that stands out is the meticulous care taken by the crew to ensure everything was in perfect order before Onyeka’s appearance. From the makeup to wardrobe, every detail was meticulously attended to, mirroring Onyeka’s own standards of perfection.

Beyond her professional abilities, Onyeka also carried herself with a sense of dignity and poise that left a lasting impression. Despite her fame and influence, she remained humble and approachable, earning the endearing nickname “Aunty Onyeka” from the crew.

I cherish the memories of the few encounters I had with Onyeka Onwenu on that set. I recall a particular evening when she shared wise words with me about the importance of focus in whatever endeavor one undertakes.

Our paths didn’t cross again until 2012, when we found ourselves serving on the same presidential committee for the creative industry established by President Goodluck Jonathan. I had the privilege of being part of the sub-committee that Onyeka chaired, giving me a unique opportunity to witness a different side of her. Her mature and administrative leadership style was truly remarkable, leaving a lasting impression on me.

After our committee work, our paths diverged once more until the release of her book, “My Father’s Daughter.” I made sure to get a copy and immerse myself in her remarkable story and wisdom.

Onyeka Onwenu’s excellence extended beyond her work on set and in committees. Her portrayal of various characters in movies showcased her as an epitome of glamour, grace, and beauty on screen. Her acting prowess was unparalleled, earning her numerous accolades, including the prestigious continental Best Actress award at the AMAA awards.

Onyeka’s impact on the entertainment industry went far beyond her role as a show host, . Her legacy as the Elegant Stallion continues to inspire generations of artists and professionals in Nigeria and beyond. It was an honor to witness her talent and presence firsthand, and her influence will forever be remembered in the hearts of those who had the privilege of working with her.

Waking up at 4 am today to the heartbreaking news of her passing after a performance at an event the night before shook me to the core. It was a shock to learn that the Elegant Stallion had taken her last bow, possibly doing what she loved most – singing and dancing. It seemed fitting that her final moments were filled with joy and passion, as evidenced by the videos of her energetic performance.

To her children, Tijanni and Abraham, I offer my deepest condolences. Your mother was a true legend who lived a life of purpose and impact. She came, she saw, and she conquered hearts with her talent and grace. May her soul rest in peace, and may her legacy continue to inspire generations to come. Amen.

Fidelis Duker is Filmmaker and Public Commentator who writes from Calabar

Oluchi Omai

Oluchi Omai is a Blogger/ Content Creator, he is a prolific writer and movie maker.

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