Grazing reserves: FCT, 22 states register, seven provide 400,000-hectares, says FG

The Federal Government on Thursday said 22 states and the Federal Capital Territory had registered for the National Livestock Transformation Plan as part of measures aimed at establishing grazing reserves.

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Sabo Nanono, who stated this at the 44th National Council on Agriculture and Rural Development, in Abuja, said seven of the states had mapped out 400,000 hectares of land for grazing reserves.

Nanono said this as Acting Director, Animal Husbandry Department in the ministry, Winnie Lai-Solarin, said the 19 northern states, Oyo and Ogun states were among states that had registered for  the NLTP

The Spokesperson for the Senate, Dr. Ajibola Basiru, on his part, challenged the Husbandry Department of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture to produce grazing reserves gazettes which it claimed, were in are 21 states of the federation including Oyo and Ogun states.

According to a report on Thursday, the department said there were grazing routes in 21 states including Ogun and Oyo.

Basiru in while responding to enquiries from sources, faulted the ministry’s claims

He said, “Let them (Ministry officials) send copies of the laws and the gazetted locations to me.”

Oluchi Omai

Oluchi Omai is a Blogger/ Content Creator, he is a prolific writer and movie maker.

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