Fire from an unknown source has razed a build in Marian Calabar.

Fire from an unknown source has razed a build where ice cream is sold in large quantity behind Banisua Restaurant, close to Crunches in Calabar metropolis.

The fire outbreak started at about 7:45pm and lasted till about 9:15pm on Saturday 22nd February, 2020. A youngman who pleaded anonymity, said that the fire is suspected to have been caused by some electrical faults, while some persons think it was caused by a misused gas cooker.

The officers of the fire service arrived quite on time but, where frustrated as their fire fighting facilities where not in good shape to fight the fire adequately. Neighbors had to assist by buy detergents to enable the firefighters combat the fire to avoid spread to other buildings.

Inhabitants of the building wept and lamented their properties which could not be ransomed, although no life was lost at the time of this report.

Concerned citizens have expressed their dissappointment at the dilapidated state of the fire service and pray the government to look into this arm and provide adequate facilities to combat fire outbreak.


Oluchi Omai

Oluchi Omai is a Blogger/ Content Creator, he is a prolific writer and movie maker.

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