Displaced Okoyong Indigens Receive Food Items As Group Makes Donation

Some Indigens of Ubambat, Okoyong community in Odukpani LGA have called on the Cross River State government to come to their rescue by assisting them get back to life after their community was Invaded by some youths of Ikot Offiong community.

The call was made when members of the group, Association of Concerned Indigens of Okoyong Nation (ACION) visited the displaced people yesterday at Akpap Okoyong in Odukpani LGA.

President of group, Pastor Effiong Ekpo said the gesture was necessitated by the need to extend love to their brothers and sisters affected by the unwarranted invasion of their community by some youths of Ikot Offiong.

” What we are doing here today is our own little way of extending love to some of our brothers and sisters who have been renderd homeless and without any source of livelihood to survive. We are saddened over the unfortunate incident that happened and we hope and pray such will never happen again. Our people can no longer go to their farms, they have been sent out of their homes, they have become refugees in their own land. This is unacceptable”

He called on the government through the State Emergency Management Agency, SEMA to immediately intervene to alleviate the suffering of the people.

He also praised the member, Cross River State house of assembly, Hon. Francis Asuquo and other spirited Indigens of Okoyong nation for their support towards assisting the displaced people.

Also speaking, one of the leaders in the affected community, Akom Effiong Akom, thanked members of the association for their support and pleaded for same gesture from government and other well meaning individuals and associations. He said they were shocked over that the level of destruction of lives and properties in their community.

Among items donated where several bags of rice, cartons of noddles, garri, Maggi, salts etc.

Penultimate week, Cross Riverians woke up to the sad news of the invasion of Ubambat, an upscale community that makes up the enlarged Okoyong nation in Odukpani LGA by some youths of Ikot Offiong community, killing over 5 persons and injuring many.

Oluchi Omai

Oluchi Omai is a Blogger/ Content Creator, he is a prolific writer and movie maker.

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