I have never seen a country where everyone must own a generator to have light – Patience Ozokwo

Evangelist Patience Ozokwo MFR, a veteran Nollywood actor popularly known as Mama G have revealed that she has never seen a country where everyone must own a generator to have light like Nigeria.
According to her, if she is made the Governor even for one day she will develop and make available the basic amenities for everyone to use.

This and many more were unraveled during a live interview on “Serenade with the Boss Lady” a popular radio show on fad93.1 fm Calabar, hosted by Mrs. Temitope Duker also known as The Boss Lady.
The veteran actor also revealed that as a growing child, she always loved singing and felt she would continue with music. “But, there are so many things to music. It needs your full attention and acting also needs your full attention and I can’t cope with the both of them, one brings instant money while the other takes a while. Even though I really still love music.” She said adding that she has done about four musical albums.
Do you have any plans of going into politics? Mrs. Temitope Duker asked.
No, no interest at all, Evangelist Ozokwo replied.
If you were made a governor for a day, what will you do?
Patience Ozokwo (Mama G), in response to the question above stated that if she is made the governor, before the next day, people will see her impacts on the roads, hospitals and all the basic amenities within 24 hours, adding that she will do her best to bring them back to life. “I have never seen a country where every house has a borehole, or you buy water from tankers or buy packets of water to have water, it is only in Nigeria. I have never seen a country where everyone must own a generator to have light, a country where people will go to the hospital to see a doctor but use their prescription to go and buy drugs outside. I will make sure that they are provided within 24hours otherwise such hospitals will be shut down.”
Unlike your role in movies, where you can be very wicked and mean. But, we know you are a nice person. How are you able to interpret such roles?
The veteran actor responded by saying that her way of acting might have been influenced by the fact that she had gotten use to the stage, and also by the fact that she sees nothing while acting but focuses on interpreting the story. “I don’t even know if my children or my husband is there or my friend is there. Once there is an action, I begin my thing” she added.
Furthermore, Mama G emphasized that her acting life is different from her normal day life. Stating that while acting, she interprets a story. Also, the veteran actor mentioned that an actor is someone who lives many lives in one. “When I act, I try to dig down into the writers mind to know his or her intensions” she added. It doesn’t have anything to do with my life at all, but when I’m acting I am someone else.

Meanwhile, Patience Ozokwo has revealed that she doesn’t think she is being stereotyped in the industry. According to her, she has the ability to play other roles in movies but, keeps playing the one given to her because she does it better. “A good actor is actually elastic, so I can play a good woman although it is difficult to find someone who will play the bad woman with the required tempo” she added.
Considering the fact that you started acting as far back as 1998, do you think that we do better storytelling now? Mrs Temitokpe Duker asked.
In responds, Evangelist Ozokwo noted that there is serious improvement in storytelling due to cooperate bodies who are involved in movie productions, although she said this is not obtainable in all movies.
Furthermore, the veteran actor mentioned that acting today is now a laudable profession, parents now advice their children to study acting rather than despise those who act as it was in previous years.
Do you think early marriage is actually very good?
The only benefit is that you stand a chance of having children when your body is still full and healthy and not when age begins to tell on you. And the energy to cater for them will still be available. On the other hand it is not healthy if you are still too young.
The veteran actor who got married at age 19 stated that for some who want to enjoy life it might seem too early. “But, for me I was raised in the church and also in scripture union, so I did not know what life outside the church was like” she said.

According to Patience Ozokwo, she remains grateful to the Federal Government of Nigeria for deeming her fit and awarding her with the centenary award, an award you can only get after 100 years.
How were you able to pick yourself up after you lost your husband in the year 2000?
“My husband was sick for about 15 years, so I and the children already got used to struggling, baking and sourcing for funds for the family. His dead only brought down the tempo and made me focus on raising the children.” She said. Adding that she had the support of her brothers-in-law and really do appreciate them for their support. Patience Ozokwo also revealed that she gave up the intensions of remarrying because of her children who were already grown and never wanted their friends to mock them.

What was the conviction for you to become and evangelist?
I was raised in scripture union, but in 2016 God called me and asked me to separate myself for him for 21 days, but when I complained, he asked me to make it 30 days. I heeded his instructions and that was the beginning of my evangelical work. It is worthy to note that I have never acted dirty or naked before, so my faith is not affecting my career.

An actor preaches the word of God even more than the pastor, because people stand a chance of seeing it practically and it stays long in their memory unlike preaching which most times ends on the pulpit or at most in books.
In conclusion she advised that acting is a great profession and encouraged that every good actor should travel, relate with both poor and rich in order to stand out from the crowd and pay attention to the director.


Oluchi Omai

Oluchi Omai is a Blogger/ Content Creator, he is a prolific writer and movie maker.

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